Last updated Monday, 16 July – 9:00 AM
Source: People Continuity Survey conducted between March and July among 19,477 respondents
Survey question:
Is my stress level normal?
Insight: Respondents in the latest survey cycle in mid-July have responded that they are less stressed, with only 9% stating that they are stressed out. This is compared to an average of 20% of respondents throughout the circuitbreaker.
Top concerns among employees:
3. Cost-cutting measures that might impact my compensation
(40% stated this as one of their top concerns.)
Insight: Productivity and concerns about performance were one of top concerns at the start of the circuitbreaker, but over time, compensation concerns became more important.
36% of employees feel less productive WFH as working in the office
Younger employees are less likely to be affected by remote work.
Indicated that they are less productive:
30% of employees aged 21–30 vs 41% of employees aged above 50
Insight: Older employees are catching up in terms of WFH productivity.
During the circuitbreaker, 49% of older employees stated they were unproductive. Over time, that figure has decreased.
Survey question:
When working from home, it takes me ________ to achieve the same productivity as before COVID-19.
Top WFH concerns:
1. Access to resources and tools which I could have access to in the office
2. Practical aspects (such as family presence, distractions, space constraints)
3. Working longer hours than usual
Having issues with self-care? We might have the resources you need here
82% of workers in Singapore seem keen on incorporating 50% work from home after the circuit-breaker.
Only 9% do not want to work from home after the circuit-breaker.
47% of employees aged above 50 answered that they would like to implement WFH at least 75% of the time.
Insight: Our data shows that women have a significantly higher WFH preference compared to men. 85% of women surveyed would prefer to work from home at least 50% of the time, compared to 75% of men.
Survey question:
Based on my current experience working from home, I can see myself working from home effectively after COVID-19.
More than half (80%) of employees are confident in their company's future
Engaged employees are more confident of and committed working towards the company’s success in a crisis.
Among Promoters,
97% agree or strongly agree that they are confident about the future of their organisation
97% report being well-taken care of by their organisation
89% say that they have strong management support
95% have indicated that their organisation communicates with them effectively throughout the ongoing pandemic
Survey question:
I am confident of the future of my organisation.
Returning to the workplace - these are the top concerns for employees surveyed at the end of the circuit-breaker
26% of employees do not feel safe returning to the workplace.
Survey question: I feel safe returning to the physical workplace.
75% of employees wish social distancing measures to be observed for at least the next six months
Insight: In our latest survey in July, more respondents wish social distancing to be put in place for the next year (25%) or permanently (11%).
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