Teacher Survey Analytics Platform

Actionable People Insights for Educator Growth & Student Success

Harness predictive sentiment analysis throughout the teacher's lifecycle to uncover key your school attrition, attraction, and retention drivers. 


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Teacher turnover hurts kids

A study by the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research shows that:

Teacher attrition reduces student achievement.

High turnover resulted in lower student scores in both math and ELA.

These effects were even stronger for low-performing students and students of color.

More about this study

Improve teacher retention, engagement, and student outcomes without the guesswork

Teacher retention

Uncover key drivers of teacher retention in real-time.

Teacher attraction

Analyze onboarding and exit insights to improve teacher recruitment.

Growing school leaders

Analyze onboarding and exit insights to improve teacher recruitment.

“Only 4 in 10 educators strongly agree that they know what is expected of them at work — a rate still significantly lower than before school began shutting down for the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Source: Gallup


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Enable school district leaders to prioritize what matters


Specific, actionable insight while maintaining full confidentiality

Dive deep into your data to identify hotspots with powerful dashboards.


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Intuitive dashboard with clear and actionable insights



There's no question that leadership matters. If you don't have a strong principal then the culture at that particular school site will be impacted in a negative way.

Chris Funk - Dublin Unified Superintendent


The importance of not just looking at spreadsheets or overall data, but also student-level & teacher-level data so you can see how growth happens...

Dr. Mark McLaughlin - Conejo Valley Unified Superintendent


Monitor trends in real time to take timely action 

Identify and remove roadblocks 30-60-90 days on the job.

Standardize processes Onboarding


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Not sure where to start?
Watch Our On-Demand School Leadership Masterclass: How to Build a Culture of Belonging in Schools Using Advanced Analytics

Explore how to foster a culture of belonging in schools using advanced analytics without needing a specialized data science team. This webinar presents practical strategies for utilizing data to enhance school culture and improve teacher retention


Get your copy

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Dr. Monique

Breaking Barriers: Women of Color in Superintendent Roles

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Dr. Todd Cutler

Building the Future: Systems for Growing Leadership in Schools

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Chris Funk

Nurturing Talent and Embracing Innovation in Education

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